The kitchen knives from the Sabatier Gourmet series are a great option for you to equip your kitchen with authentic French cutlery! Sabatier is a prestigious brand well-known around the world for the quality of its knives, and the Gourmet range is a clear proof of the brand's vast expertise. The Gourmet series offer your kitchen knives of great quality with a classic design consisting of black, riveted handles and N4116 Nitro+ stainless steel blades. One of the main characteristics of these knives is that they are 100% forged, thus their strength, solidity, and durability is guaranteed! All Sabatier Gourmet knives are manufactured in Thiers, which is often considered as the capital of French cutlery. Don't over think it too much and choose the Sabatier Gourmet knife that best adapats to your needs and preferences !