Money Back Guarantee


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Since the 18th of December 2020, we have stopped our business due to the end of Brexit transition period. For more information, please click here.


When you place an order on, you have up to 60 days to change your mind and return your product if you are not satisfied with it. You do not like the colour or the design of the product? The size is not the one you were expecting? You realized that you ordered the wrong product? If your product is still new, you can send it back to us within the 60 days after your purchase!


In order to return a product, it is mandatory to meet the following conditions:

-          The product must be new, and it must have never been used before.

-          The packaging of the product must be in perfect conditions.

Due to hygiene rules, we cannot take back a product that has been already used. The packaging must still be on the same conditions as when you got your product for the first time. You don’t need to ruin the packaging to know if the product is what your were expecting or not :)


If your product(s) meets with all the conditions mentioned above, we can either create a voucher code equivalent to the price of the product being returned or we can issue a refund directly to your credit card of Paypal account. However, the shipping fees for the original shipment and the return remain at your expense.

We will not ask you for any detailed justification. However, your opinion and feedback is very important to us, thus you can feel free to explain us why you decide to return the product. We will be glad to hear you!


If you are willing to send us back a product, the only thing that you need to do is to contact our Customer Service via the Contact us page, but remember that you need to do it within 60 days after the purchase of the product. One member of our Customer Service team will come back to you with the instructions to return us a product. The product will have to be sent back to the following address:


245 allée Louis Blériot
Résidence Mandelieu 2000
ZI les Tourrades


Given that the return must be sent to our office in France, we recommend you to use Royal Mail to send the return, as this would most likely be the least expensive option for you (if you are in the UK). We do NOT provide pre-paid shipping labels for standard returns.


To know more about all the details regarding this Money Back Guarantee, please feel free to contact us!


To know more about all the Terms and Conditions of our website, you can click here!


Last updated: 15/01/2021